Application Service > API Gateway > API Error Code

Error Code Error Message Description
0 SUCCESS Success
-1 FAIL Failure
400100000 Invalid request. Invalid request.
400100001 Invalid value in the request. Invalid value in the request.
400100002 Invalid header name. Invalid header name format.
401100000 Invalid appKey. Invalid appKey.
401100001 Invalid uuid. User information is invalid.
403100000 Not allowed user. The user does not have permission.
409100000 Could not complete the request due to a duplicate request. The request could not be completed due to a duplicate request.
500100000 DB query failed. A temporary error occurred. If the error persists, please contact customer service.
400101000 Exceeded the maximum service count. The maximum number of service creation has been exceeded.
404101000 Could not find API Gateway service. The API Gateway service does not exist.
400102000 There are no resources to stage. The stage cannot be created because the created resource does not have a method.
400102005 Invalid x-nhncloud-apigateway plugins. The x-nhncloud-apigateway plugins field has an invalid value.
400102012 Exceeded the maximum resource method count. The maximum number of resource method creation has been exceeded.
400102014 Failed to delete root resource. The root ('/') resource cannot be deleted.
400102015 Invalid resource plugin configuration. Invalid resource plugin configuration.
400102016 Failed to delete resource. The OPTIONS method resource generated by CORS cannot be deleted. The OPTIONS resource method created by CORS cannot be deleted.
400102017 The HTTP plugin's frontendEndpointPath must be the same value as the path. The HTTP plugin's frontendEndpointPath must be the same value as the path.
400102018 The resource is not a resource path. Not a resource path.
400102019 The resource is not a resource method. Not a resource method.
404102000 Could not find resource. Could not find resource.
409102000 Failed to create duplicated resources. Duplicate path resources cannot be created.
409102001 Failed to create duplicated resources. Only one path variable can be set for the paths of the same level. The path has been already created. Only one path variable can be set for the paths of the same level.
400103000 Path variable cannot be used. Only variables declared for the selected path or above can be set. Invalid path variable.
400103001 Failed to update stage resource. Stage resource plugin's position is invalid. A stage plugin that cannot be set on the requested resource.
400103002 Failed to update stage resource. PRE_API's URL is not allowed to use stage URL. Invalid pre-call URL format.
400103003 Failed to update stage resource. Custom endpoint URL is not allowed at this stage resource path. Backend endpoint URL override cannot be set on this resource.
400103004 Invalid backend endpoint URL format. Invalid backend endpoint URL format.
400103005 Failed to delete stage. The stage have connected usage plan. The stage has a connected usage plan. You can delete a stage after disconnecting the stage.
400103006 Exceeded the maximum stage count. The maximum number of stage creation has been exceeded.
400103007 Invalid context variables. Invalid context variables.
404103000 Could not find stage. The stage does not exist.
404103001 Could not find stage resource. The stage resource does not exist.
409103002 Failed to create duplicated stage name. Duplicate stage names cannot be created.
409103003 The latest resource has already been applied. The latest resources have already been applied to the stage.
500103000 Invalid stage resource plugin configuration. The stage deployment request failed. Please try again in a few minutes.
500103001 Failed to create stage. Please try again in a few minutes. Failed to create stage. Please try again in a few minutes.
500103002 Could not find any server group. Failed to create stage. Please try again in a few minutes.
500103003 Failed to delete stage URL. Failed to delete stage. Please try again in a few minutes.
500103004 Failed to connect alias domain to stage. Please try again in a few minutes. Failed to connect the custom domain to the stage. Please try again in a few minutes.
400104000 Unable to delete base stage deploy history or the currently deployed stage deploy history. The currently deployed history and the base deployment history cannot be deleted.
400104001 Only possible to rollback stage for the completed deploy status. A history of deployment status that cannot be rolled back.
400104002 Empty Stage resource for deploying. The stage could not be created because no resources were created.
400104003 Empty path on Stage resource for deploying. The stage could not be created because no resources were created.
404104000 Could not find stage deployment. Could not find stage deployment.
409104000 Unable to rollback stage. No difference with current stage. A deployment history that has already been rolled back.
409104001 Failed to deploy because current stage is deploying. Stage deployment is already in progress.
409104002 Failed to deploy because stage is not changed. The latest stage has already been deployed.
500104002 Failed to rollback to previous deploy data. An error occurred during stage deployment and an attempt was made to recover, but the recovery was unsuccessful. Please try the deployment again in a few minutes.
500104003 Could not find any routers for deploying. The stage deployment request failed. Please try again in a few minutes.
500104004 Failed to convert stage resource list to string. The stage deployment request failed. Please try again in a few minutes.
500104006 Failed to convert stage deploy JSON to stage resource list. The stage deployment request failed. Please try again in a few minutes.
500104007 Failed to rollback stage. The stage deployment request failed. Please try again in a few minutes.
500104008 Temporally failed to request stage deployment. Please try again in a few minutes. The stage deployment request failed. Please try again in a few minutes.
400105000 Failed to delete API key. The API key is in use. The connected API key cannot be deleted. Please disconnect and then delete.
404105000 Could not find API key. Could not find API Key information.
500105000 Failed to regenerate API key. Failed to reissue API Key.
500105001 Failed to create API key by duplicated API key. Failed to create API Key.
500105002 Failed to delete some API key data. Please check exception cause. Failed to disconnect API Key.
500105003 Failed to delete API key. Failed to delete API Key.
400106000 Failed to change usage plan of API key. There is no stage connected to the usage plan you want to change or it is the same as the usage plan before the change. The usage plan you are trying to change does not have a stage to which an API Key can be connected.
400106001 Failed to delete usage plan. The usage plan has a connected stage. Failed to delete usage plan because there is a connected stage. Please disconnect all stages and then delete it.
400106002 The stage has a connected API key. Please try after disconnecting. The stage has a connected API key. You can disconnect a stage after disconnecting the API Key.
404106000 Could not find connected API Key. Could not find a connected API Key.
404106001 Could not find usage plan. Could not find usage plan.
409106000 Among the requested API keys, there is an API key already connected to the stage. Among the API Keys you are trying to connect, there is already an API Key connected to the stage.
409106001 The stage is already connected to this usage plan. The stage is already connected to the usage plan.
500106000 Failed to connect API key to usage plan stage. Failed to connect some API Keys.
500106001 Failed to disconnect API key from usage plan stage. Failed to disconnect some API Keys.
500106002 Failed to change usage plan of API key. Failed to change usage plan of API Key.
500106003 Failed to delete usage plan. Failed to delete usage plan.
404107000 Resource parameters can only be set on resource methods. Resource parameters can only be set on methods.
404107001 Resource parameters cannot be set on the OPTIONS method generated by CORS. Resource parameters cannot be set on methods generated by CORS.
400108001 Failed to delete model. There is referenced model. Failed to delete model because the model is in use.
404108000 Could not find model. Could not find model information.
409108000 Failed to create model by duplicated name. The model name already exists. Model names cannot be duplicated.
404109000 Could not find API document's swagger. Could not find API document.
404109001 Could not find stage for making API document. Failed to change publish status of API document.
500109000 Failed to convert with documentable plugin. Failed to generate API document.
400110000 Invalid statistics query period. Invalid statistics query period.
401199000 Failed to authenticate with AppKey. Invalid appKey.
500197000 Could not find recordset name. Either the stage has already been deleted, or the stage information could not be found.